Tie Tether Tangle

12-23 Feb 2020

Impress Printmakers Studio & Gallery

A Group Exhibition Championing the Process of Making

Tactility is changing. Our fingers no longer dig, scribble, scratch and lift as often as they once did. We spend less time holding, touching and using our hands to perform manual labour. The immediacy of our routines and lifestyles leaves us with even less time to learn and achieve skill.

Tie, Tether, Tangle strings together the work of artists who recognise the handmade as an integral component within their own respective practices. This exhibition champions the process of making as a means to uncover the subconscious anxieties that can only be revealed through doing.

Working through a variety of mediums and techniques, the artists use these verbs to challenge their connection to the handmade in taking the time to be anchored within their process.